International Day Against Sexist Violence

Hello dear people!

Today, on november 25, is the “International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women”!
For many women, their own home is the most dangerous place. Every third woman in Germany experiences physical and/or sexual violence at least once in her life.

Every day, a woman in Germany becomes the victim of an attempted or completed murder.

As a result, about three women a week die from femicides (the intentional killing of women or girls because they are female). In most cases, the perpetrators are men who want to control them, possess them, dominate them, rule over them. Often family members, partners or ex-partners. But also strangers and political opponents. In addition to physical forms of violence, women, lesbians, inter*, non-binary, trans*, agender and queer* people experience sexualized violence and psychological violence such as stalking, manipulation, threats, control or sexist devaluations on a daily basis.

In 1999, the UN General Assembly declared November 25 as the “International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women.”

Let’s stand together today to remember the murdered women, lesbians, inter*, non-binary, trans*, agender and queer* people around the world.

Let’s stand together 365 days a year to fight against the violent structures that are responsible for their deaths!
Together we can take up the fight against sexism and the patriarchal system –
by building communites and and organizing protests, we can build pressure, support each other, and collectively fight back.

We believe that a world of solidarity is possible.

No More Stolen Sisters! Jin Jiyan Azadi! Ni una menos! À bas le patriarcat! Keine Mehr! 

Nationwide support for victims of violence: 
Telephone counselling 0800 / 111 0 111 0800 / 111 0 222 or 116 123

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